Friday, May 26, 2006


Today itzlers will notice a new addition to their control bars: the Invite tab. Its description reads:

When you give a friend a Guest Invite, he'll be able to itzle for a 15-minute guest user period. He will be automatically taken to your current location, and will appear on your friends list. It's a great way to let friends group surf with you without any wait or hassle. If your friend likes itzle, he can sign up for a regular account and itzle as long as he likes!

And there you go.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Revision I

A new wave of beta testing begins today, and itzle b1.5 includes several new features and improvements.

One of the most popular complaints during our first wave of beta testing was that one couldn't easily find out where everyone was itzling. Today's revision includes several features that increase the level and convenience of itzle's social capabilities.

itzle park is a convenient and attractive gathering place that provides users with a central location for meeting up with friends and finding new people to talk to. Think of it in terms of a commons or lobby area.

Social maps now show you which parts of a website are currently populated with itzlers.

A list of popular sites displays the top 15-most active domain names.

A number of smaller changes have also been made, such as UI improvements and the addition of a chat log.

As always, your feedback is appreciated.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


In about 12 hours we'll find out what the world (or at least, 500 beta testers) think of itzle studios' first webware offering. Mood: jittery.